Our Clients & Partners

The world is at a critical juncture, and the need for sustainable land management solutions has never been more urgent. Almost everything we rely on, from the food we eat to the clothes we wear, begins with the soil. However, the health of our soil is under threat, and it's time for us to take action together.

Positioned uniquely at the intersection of the farm, food, and fashion supply chains, Downforce Technologies specialises in providing science-led, nature-based intelligence on soil health and soil organic carbon (SOC). We understand the pivotal role soil plays in achieving sustainability goals, and we are here to help drive positive change.

Through the Downforce Partner Programme, you'll become part of a community of like-minded organisations and individuals committed to making a lasting impact. By collaborating, sharing knowledge and pooling resources, we can accelerate progress and implement transformative solutions on a global scale.

Benefits of Joining the Downforce Partner Programme

Collective Action: Join a community of change-makers who are dedicated to transforming the way we approach land management, regenerative agriculture and environmental stewardship. Together we can amplify our impact and drive meaningful change.

Access to Expertise: Gain insights from industry experts, scientists and thought leaders who are at the forefront of sustainable practices. Stay informed about the latest advancements, research and best practice through exclusive workshops, webinars and educational resources.

Tech Partnerships: We collaborate with technology providers seeking to integrate their solutions with our Nature Analytics Platform. Our aim is to create an eco-system where cutting-edge technologies converge to drive meaningful change at scale. 

Business Opportunities: Forge meaningful partnerships and unlock new opportunities to advance soil carbon projects worldwide. Collaborate on projects, initiatives and campaigns in pursuit of our shared vision. Together we can create nature positive projects for the benefit of local communities, and improve rural livelihoods, while tackling global climate change and food security.

Standards & Regulations: Global alignment of standards and regulations is playing a crucial role in shaping sustainable land management practices. Downforce is actively involved with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). We are a member of the TNFD Forum and the Nature-related Data Catalyst. The Catalyst brings together actors from across the nature-related data landscape to identify shortcomings in current data and analytics. It recommends ways to accelerate the development of, and access to, nature-related data, analytics and tools.

Industry Groups: As active members of leading industry associations across land management, food, drink, fashion and textiles, we leverage our collective voice to advocate for solutions that accelerate regenerative agriculture and highlight the importance of soil health.

Furthermore, we collaborate with governments, authorities and NGOs across the world to encourage change at local and global levels. 

Together, we can create a better future for all. 

Let's work towards a world where sustainability is at the heart of all decisions, and where we can create a more just, equitable, and thriving planet for generations to come.

For further information contact info@downforce.tech

Clients, Partners & Industry Associations

“Downforce allows every farmer in every part of the world to understand the carbon footprint of their farming practice.”
David & Danielle Statham, Co-Founders, Good Earth Cotton